Default 19

Masterclass in residence

A cura di Claudio Zecchi

Default è una Masterclass biennale giunta quest’anno alla sua 5edizione.
Pensata per incoraggiare la ricerca come momento separato dalla produzione, DEFAULT19 agisce come una piattaforma il cui obiettivo è quello di rinegoziare la nozione di tempo promuovendo un formato orientato a non generare forme di produzione. Durante i sei giorni, i partecipanti sono chiamati ad un impegno individuale e collettivo con il paesaggio nella sua dimensione geografica e antropologica più ampia. La residenza è un laboratorio e un’esperienza tesa ad alimentare nuovi approcci e nuove forme di pensiero sul tema delle Terre Estreme.

Il programma ci invita ad interrogarci su cosa sia possibile imparare dallo stare in un luogo remoto come Gagliano del Capo. Cosa, questa posizione, può insegnarci sulla situazione globale contemporanea, comprese le condizioni sociologiche, antropologiche, politiche o scientifiche? Possiamo determinare un profilo psicologico per coloro che cercano la fine o l'estremo? La ricerca artistica e le opere che ne derivano possono portare avanti proposte di impossibilità e nuovi immaginari plasmati dalle caratteristiche delle terre estreme. Avvicinarsi all'"estremità" come stato mentale consente un confronto con un mondo contemporaneo in cui le identità nazionali sono fluide e i confini non sono più statici. Se il finis terrae può, infine, aver catturato l'immaginazione dei sognatori e degli avventurieri, in che modo potrebbe rivelarsi utile come risposta alle odierne problematiche e come metodologia da attuare altrove?

Default is a biennial Masterclass in Residence that joins this year its 5th edition.
Conceived to encourage the research as a separate moment from the production, DEFAULT19, functions as a platform that aims at re-negotiate the notion of time by nurturing a radically non-productive oriented format. During the six-days of residency, participants are called to be individually and collectively engaged with the landscape in its broader geographical and anthropological extent. The residency serves as a laboratory and as an experience to nurture new forms of thoughts and approaches to the topic of the Extreme Lands.

The residency program asks what we can learn about being situated in a remote location like Gagliano del Capo. What can it teach us about the contemporary global condition, including sociological, anthropological, political or scientific positions? Can we assign a psychological profile to someone who seeks the end or the extreme? Artistic research and resulting works can bring forward proposed impossibilities and new imaginaries shaped by the characteristics of the extreme land. Approaching “extremity” as a state of mind allows for a confrontation with a contemporary world where national identities are fluid and boundaries are no longer static. The finis terrae may have captured the imagination of dreamers and adventurers, but in what ways can it also serve as a call to action for urgent realities and a methodology to be implemented elsewhere?[1]


[1] H. Y. Amin e F. Girelli, Default, in Sino alla Fine del Mare – Investigation on the Extreme Lands, a cura di C. Zecchi, P. Mele, A. Presta, Viaindustriepublishing, Foligno, 2019

Program - Workshop - Lectures

The fifth edition of Default –Masterclass in residence– focuses on the idea of extreme, considering three different perspectives: the extremeness of the Leuca Cape, where Ramdom is based – historically considered an extremity though arguably located at the center of the Mediterranean Sea; the extreme west of Europe – or penultimate land? – and the extreme from a conceptual point of view surveyed as a psychological mindset.


Presentation of the project by Paolo Mele and Claudio Zecchi and participants’ introduction to their practice.

Introduction to the landscape by Daniela Palma (professional WWF guide) and Domenico Licchelli (Astrophysics and Geologist).


Claudio Zecchi and Paolo Mele introduce Ramdom's productions over the past five years and the book Until the end of the Sea as a tool to navigate the Extreme Lands and a crucial moment in Ramdom's life.

A working methodology on the Extreme Lands

What are extreme lands? Extreme in relation to what? How can their essence be conveyed? What happens when the vision and the everyday life of their inhabitants intertwine with those of artists from other places? Can we consider extreme lands, or more generally what is peripheral and marginal, as a methodology per se? Extreme lands have led us to investigate a state of infinite and complex relationships in which marginality becomes a parameter capable of questioning the notion of center, both as a geographical location as well as a place of artistic and cultural production.


The emerge of saudade
Portugal, and more precisely the Alentejo region, is potentially another geographical area and platform to rethink, re-orient and question the idea of the extreme, starting from the specific feeling/idea of saudade. We will try to pin-point this complex and untranslatable feeling through different artistic forms that have so far tried to express it.
These considerations will be the starting point for each participant to investigate personal reflections on those untranslatable concepts, ideas, and feelings that relate to their own extreme lands.


Extremity as a state of mind
For centuries, the finis terrae has captured the imagination of dreamers and adventurers captivated by reaching remote frontiers and mapping unchartered territories. Can we assign a psychological profile to someone who seeks the end or the extreme?  Traversing through geographic imaginaries, Heba Y. Amin and Francesca Girelli address the concept through various analyses via politics, science, and technology.
With the idea that territorial endpoints and their suggestiveness can become culturally productive, participants will collaborate in the making of a publication focused on the idea of the “extreme lands” in their practice and beyond. Pablo Larios, senior editor at Frieze, will guide participants with strategies to navigate meaningful content selection, balance, and cohesiveness.


Workshop by Francesca Girelli: each participant defines how they would use one or two spreads as part of the wider publication (how they would present their practice – which images, which texts? What material would they use to put their practice into a wider context?

The workshop will focus on editing as a community-building process.

Xiaowen Zhu

Joey Chin and Sarah Maple

Charnjeev Kang

Giulia Cacciuttolo


Morning 10am – 13pm
Personal research

Final collective roundtable