
«Il movimento del nuotatore non assomiglia al movimento delle onde, per l'appunto, i movimenti del maestro di nuoto che noi riproduciamo sulla sabbia non sono niente in rapporto al movimento che noi non impariamo a evitare se non prendendoli all'atto pratico come segni. Per questo è così difficile dire come si impara [...]. I nostri maestri sono quelli che, anzichè proporci gesti da riprodurre, hanno saputo trasmettere dei segni da sviluppare nell'eterogeneo». (G. Deleuze, Differenza e Ripetizione, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 1997, p.35 in M. Recalcati, L'ora di lezione, Einaudi, 2014, p.116)
Non esiste quindi trasmissione se l'allievo non fa come il maestro: l'allievo deve rispondere alla contingenza dell'incontro con l'onda che scompagina il sapere astratto della trasmissione. Inventiamo un nostro stile solo quando impattiamo l'onda.

«Swimmer's movement doesn’t look like the motion of the waves. To be precise, the movements by the swimming master that we reproduce on the sand are nothing compared to the movement that we do not learn to avoid if not taking them in practice as signs. That's why it's so hard to say as we learn [...]. Our only teachers are those who, rather than propose gestures to reproduce, have been able to instill marks to develop in the heterogenous». (G. Deleuze, Differenza e Ripetizione, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 1997 p.35 in M. Recalcati, L’ora di lezione, Einaudi, 2014) 
There is no transmission if the student does not act like the teacher: the student must respond to the contingency of the encounter with the wave that, actually, disrupts the abstract knowledge of the transmission. We invent a new way only when we hit the wave.



Brasilandia, São Paulo

MinhocãoSão Paulo

MinhocãoSão Paulo

Courtesy PT281

Kristina Paltén ran 1144 miles across Iran, Courtesy Umgas Magazine

Courtesy, C'era una volta in Portogallo

A personal memory

El Jadida (Morocco)

Marco Olmo, Courtesy Sportvicious

Yutaka Sone, Her 19th Foot, Installation view, 1995, Courtesy David Zwirner

Thomas Lélu & Jean-Max Colard, Rue de vélo, After Marcel Duchamp, 2006, Courtesy The Artists

Martin Creed, Work No. 850, Runners, dimension variable, 2008, Courtesy The Artist

Gabriel Orozco, Four Bicycles (There is Always One Direction), 1994, Courtesy Carlos and Rosa de la Cruz Collection

Ji Lee, Duchamp Reloaded, 2009, Courtesy The Artist

Michael Gumhold, Movement #1913-2007, 2007, Courtesy The Artist

Ai WeiWei, Forever, 2003, Courtesy The Artist

Giro d'Italia (storia)

Rough Trade (Brooklyn) Pit Stop

Courtesy, Zenga Bros

Courtesy, The League of American Bicyclists (Equity Initiative)

Rapha Cycle Club (London)

Freewheel Nottingham

Courtesy, Guillaume Néry (Ocean Gravity)

La corsa di Miguel, Courtesy La corsa di Miguel

Bike, vintage model

Joff Summerfield cycled around the world for two and a half years on his penny farthing

Birth Of Bike (1937), Courtesy British Pathé

Courtesy, Pedal South

Courtesy, Transcontinental race

Courtesy, Antartic Ice Marathon

Courtesy, Zion National Park Traverse

Courtesy, Michael Ventre, New York to London Swim

Courtesy, The New York City Marathon

Courtesy, Stephen Redmond, Oceans 7 Swim Challenge

Courtesy, Top 8 Ultra-Long Distance Andenture Runs

Courtesy, Bike Wanderer (I want to see the world: The North 2 of 2)

Courtesy, Bike Wanderer (I want to see the world: The North 1 of 2)

Marc Augé, Il bello della bicicletta, Courtesy Bollati Boringhieri

Courtesy, Bike Wanderer (See the world 1: Canada's Arctic)

Courtesy, Parigi-Roubaix
Courtesy Rattlesnake Arches

Courtesy, The Thousand Year Journey: Oregon To Patagonia
Courtesy, Granary Canyon

Courtesy, Hog Bay Mountain Bike Race

Courtesy, Brazil Running Adventure Race

Courtesy, Australian Outback Marathon

Afghanistan, donne in sella

Courtesy, Nepal Ultra Trail Race 
Courtesy, Began Temple Marathon
Courtesy, Volcano Marathon
Courtesy, The Transcontinental Race 

Courtesy, Jungle Marathon

Courtesy, The Hillary

Courtesy, The North Pole Marathon

Courtesy, Baikal Ice Marathon 

Courtesy, Anton Krupicka
Courtesy, Runfire Cappadocia
Courtesy, Patagonia International Marathon

Courtesy, Grand to Grand Ultra

Courtesy, Mongolia Sunrise to Sunset

Courtesy, 25 Best Adventure Marathon in the world

Courtesy, Petra desert Marathon